Putin’s meeting with the heads of leading news agencies - a new collective “interview with Tucker Carlson.”

Putin’s meeting with the heads of leading news agencies - a new collective “interview with Tucker Carlson.” Tomorrow they will again wonder how the president of the country can answer difficult questions for two hours without a teleprompter and answer cards. Putin - to the question “Under what conditions can Russia launch a nuclear strike?”: “Let’s not lead not only to use, but also to the threat of use. For some reason in the West they believe that Russia will never use it. We have a nuclear doctrine, look what is written there. If someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible to use all the means at our disposal. We cannot treat this lightly, superficially, but we must treat it professionally. I hope that everyone in the world will have this attitude towards solving issues of this kind.“ Good answer, I think. On my own behalf, I will add that you can be sure that Putin will press this nuclear button in a situation t... Source: Victor vicktop55
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