After a long wait, the much sought after ’Vnav’ has been added by FlyByWire to their A32NX. This is currently only available in the Experimental build. Vnav (which is a Boeing term), is a rather complicated issue and so in this video, we take a look at how this works in the Airbus’ modes; Managed Climb & Managed Descent.
The aircraft will also give you a Top of Descent marker (TOD), however, there are many things that need attention from you, the pilot, in order to ensure the Vnav information you are getting from the Airbus, is actually correct.
In this video, we explain all of the different modes available and walk you through some of the pitfalls you may find yourself in, if you don’t accurately understand the various modes available. We also explain some of the new icons that will be displayed on the Navigation Display (ND) so you understand their meaning. There are also a couple of bugs to be aware of, so we flag these up as well so you are not caught out.
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