Red - Jay Chou Portrait with Coffee Cup Stains 用咖啡漬畫周傑倫

What inspired me? The project was inspired by the opening line in Jay Chou’s song, ’Secret/不能说的秘密’. It is inspired by the opening sentence, about lifting up a coffee cup off the saucer, “冷咖啡离开了杯垫“ and the ending of the song about autumn leaves and fragmented pieces, “飘落后才发现 这幸福的碎片, 要我怎么捡?“. This is shown through the portrait as a whole - how it’s formed by many individual rings, many of them broken and imperfect like fallen autumn leaves, forming Jay Chou’s portrait. The story of the song is about a girl who travelled forward 20 years in time and met Jay in 1999, and they fell in love. She then went back to 1979 and sketched out the portrait of him. My painting is meant to look like a sepia-toned old photograph to capture the essence of this story.
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