Battle Fairy Yukikaze AMV - Man & Machine (Watch in HD!)
(Watch in HD!)
A full one day edit,completely raw with no zooms, shakes, effects, transists excpt fade whatsoever, just a montage, probably my first and last time i do so,lol...
I actually don’t even know why i made this thing, wasn’t planning it at all, just was kinda inspired with music’s action part, tried to edit it, didn’t wanted to upload short unfinished work,yet wanted to introduce an anime even for a bit, so just went all the way through and like i thought - failed XD
In any case i don’t feel like tryin to remake it,i enjoyed editing it,that’s enough for me on this one, maybe someone will enjoy watching it too,there’s kinda too few amv’s on Yukikaze anyway,no one even probably knows about this rare gem of anime world :\
Tech Info:
Anime : Sentou Yousei Yukikaze/Battle Fairy Yukikaze
Music : I Am Waiting For You Last Summer - Solar Wind