Making driver’s license leather wallet. Leathercraft

Making driver’s license leather wallet. Leathercraft I’m slowly resurrecting after self-isolation. The first time I got sick with the coronavirus. It didn’t go as badly as expected. And most importantly, it was time to think ... This is a fresh video. When I started publishing archival records, many noticed that I use tools there that I have not had for a long time. Here is everything that I currently use and apply in my work. And so, a compact cover for auto documents. The idea came to me to make such a product immediately after I was stopped by the police and had to pay a fine for violating the DA. I already have a cover, but it is large and still under the rights of the old model and with compartments for passports. And such a compact solution is much more practical for city driving, takes up little space, holds everything you need according to modern standards, and most importantly, you can place family photos in a transparent pocket. This is missing in many products of this kind. In my work, I use Bu
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