To the greatest fanbase in all of you for participating in this 2021 Update. Go Habs Go! Rock the Sweater 2021 is available for Stream or Download...
Featuring Briannah Donolo on backup vocals
h t t p s : / / m u s i c . a p p l e . c o m / c a / a l b u m / r o c k - t h e - s w e a t e r - 2 0 2 1 / 1 5 7 0 6 7 6 9 7 3 ? i = 1 5 7 0 6 7 6 9 7 4
Also available on Deezer, Shazam, Tidal, Rhapsody/Napster, Pandora and more…
Directed by Annakin Slayd
Camera by Peter Vassilakos
Written by Andreas Farrar & Christian Gruening
Beat by Cryzor
Mixed and master by Kevin Jardine at Uplift Studios
Celebrities In order of appearance…
Jay Baruchel (Actor and the Canadianest Canadian you know)
Vladimir Guerrero JR. (Future AL MVP)
Vinny Barruco (Virgin Radio)
Liam McGuire (TV Personality and Hockey Encyclopedia)
Elias Toufexis (Actor and king of t