Harvest Potatoes and cook homemade fried buns in the village! - 1 Hour Of The Best Recipes

Harvesting potatoes and cooking homemade fried buns in the village sounds like a wonderful idea! Here’s a general guide to help you with both activities: Harvesting Potatoes: Choose a suitable day when the soil is dry, preferably in the morning. Gather gardening tools such as a shovel or fork, a bucket, and gloves. Start by gently loosening the soil around the potato plants using the shovel or fork, being careful not to damage the tubers. Once the soil is loosened, carefully dig around the base of the plants to unearth the potatoes. Gently remove the potatoes from the soil, being cautious not to bruise or damage them. Place the harvested potatoes in a bucket or crate, and continue until you have gathered all the potatoes. Brush off excess soil from the potatoes but avoid washing them as this can reduce their shelf life. Store the harvested potatoes in a cool, dry, and dark place to prolong their freshness. Cooking Homemade Fried Buns: Ingredients: 2
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