Reinhard Goebel & Musica Antiqua Köln – Heinichen: Pastorale per la Notte di Natale, (excerpt)
Since its debut in 1979 at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall during the annual English Bach Festival, Musica Antiqua Köln, and importantly, their founder Reinhard Goebel, have played an unprecedented role in increasing awareness and knowledge of Baroque music. Goebel’s extensive discography for Archiv Produktion, which helped revive interest in the music of several previously under-performed German composers of the 17th and 18th centuries, such as Johann David Heinichen, Schmelzer, Biber, and members of the Bach family is presented here in its entirety for the first time. This edition released to mark Reinhard Goebel’s 70th birthday this year shows Goebel as a violinist, conductor, music scholar and founder of his celebrated ensemble Musica Antiqua Köln.
Reinhard Goebel & Musica Antiqua Köln – Heinichen: Pastorale per la Notte di Natale, (excerpt)
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