Freedom Convoy urges everyone to get to Ottawa during Preemptive SOS Press Conference | LiveFEED®

The Freedom Convoy organizers spoke at the Preemptive SOS Press Conference, where they’ve addressed threats made by some members of the Canadian government, including PM Justin Trudeau. Earlier, Ottawa police raided the Convoy truckers, seizing all of their fuel. According to the protest organizers, they’re planning to continue the protest peacefully until the government removes all Covid restrictions and mandates. Several of Canada’s provinces, including Alberta and Saskatchewan, have already lifted their restrictions and mandates this week. See more on our website at This is a developing story, check back for updates! We continue following the recent developments with the protest organized by the Canadian truck drivers that’s already become an international movement. The unprecedented, endless lines of trucks successfully continue their way across the country, protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other restrictions. The protest started in the ea
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