DK Yoo Vs Bradley Scott Full Fight - Martial Artist’s Reaction/ DK Yoo Can Fight?

I will react and share my perspective on the full fight between DK Yoo ( founder of WCS) and Bradley Scott (Former UFC Champ). Let’s watch the fight together. After training 18 years in martial art under multiple styles such as Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai, Hung Kuen, Wing Chun,... to name a few combined with my sport science knowledge from the Kinesiology Diploma, EzFightLab is created. The goal of ezfightlab is to provide to you the ability to protect yourself regardless your sizes, backgrounds, etc. On top of that, we carefully examine and pressure test all the concepts and techniques to make sure success is not lucky, it is well designed If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment below, let us know what you want to see next. If you like the content, hit the like button as a way to support the channel and subcribe so you will not miss any new contents in the future. Let’s help me to produce more quality content. Thanks Vancouver EZ FightLab contact ezwingchun@ for more detail Follow
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