PIERO PICCIONI-“The Chase“ (1965)

-From, “LA DECIMA VITTIMA“ (Italy, 1965) -“THE 10TH VICTIM“ or “THE TENTH VICTIM“ (UK) -“LA VICTIMA NUMERO DIEZ“ (Spain) -“DAS ZEHNTE OPFER“ West Germany) -“LA DIXIEME VICTIME“ (France) -“TO DEKATON THYMA“ Greece) -“LA DECIMA VICTIMA“ (Argentina) -“A DECIMA VITIMA“ (Portugal) -“10. UHRI“ (Finland) -““DET 10:E OFFRET“ (Sweden) -“KYMMENES UHRI“ (Finland) -“ONUNCU KURBAN“ (Turkey, Turkish title) Poster tagline: “It’s the 21st century and they have a licence to kill.“ A classic Science Fiction film where the people are hunted down for sport, starring Marcello Mastroianni and Ursula Andress.
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