Brazil indigenous dance | Tears Of The Girls In Amazon Rain Forest - 아마존의 눈물
“Tears Of The Girls In The Amazon Rain Forest“ is a documentary that captures vivid images of the Amazon River in Brazil over the course of 300 days. The aerial camera mount, Cineflex have shot plenty of gorgeous high definition images of the vast Amazon River for the viewing pleasure.
The documentary also addresses provoking questions about environmental issues that will threaten the Amazon. Half of the 2 million plant and animal species in the world live in the Amazon, which is a treasure trove of wildlife diversity.
There are indios who live deep in the jungles of the Amazon and do without the trappings of modern civilization while adhering to their traditional way of life. With strict paternal families, the indios of the Amazon are polygamous. But Western civilization is slowly encroaching into their lands.
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“A New Interconnected Order On Villa-Lobos Preludes“ by Douglas Lora recorded on 5 DIFFERENT GUITARS
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Walking in PASSO FUNDO — RIO GRANDE DO SUL 🇧🇷 Brazil 【 4K UHD 】 Rain Walk