How to recruit postdocs and students? Some tips, reflection, and experience.

When hiring postdocs, there are questions to ask: … I realize that it is often difficult to focus on negatives in a written reference. Does Candidate have any significant negatives? What do you consider Candidate’s weakest points to be? … Briefly, what are Candidate’s most positive attributes? … How do you rate Candidate in terms of his drive and ambition? … What is Candidate’s work ethic? Is he/she a hard worker? … Does Candidate display evidence of creativity and innovation? … Do you think that Candidate has the potential to ultimately run his/her own research group? … How does Candidate compare to other students that you have come across? It would be ideal if you could give this in percentage terms and indicate how many other students this compares with. Please be honest. … Does Candidate accept input and criticism well or does he/she resent this? … Does Candidate ask questions in group meetings, etc. and display interest in the work of others? … How does Candidate interact with other scientists
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