Tornado / Toalha - Followers Zouk Tips - Brazilian Zouk Ladies Style

Let’s talk about the TORNADO! 🌪 . This amazing movement that looks so great, but it’s also so challenging for the zouk lovers community 😊 . Like in any popular dance, there are many names for this movement: tornado, toalha, desengrenado, and whatever... the important is to understand how it is done right? . This is also an advanced level movement, so be careful while practicing, ’cause there are some previous techniques required for a good performance of it . I’ve divided the movement into 3 parts: feet, head and arm (remembering that the arm is optional aaand if you’re at a full dance party..., avoid using all this expansiveness so you don’t kill anyone lol) . I hope it helps you to understand it better! And if you want to a specific tip here, give your suggestion on the comments! I’d love to help you 😍 . Followers Zouk Tip: biweekly, I’m gonna post a new Ladies Style tip for you 💗 . If you
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