The story of how Flip Resets evolved...

This is the true story of how flip resets evolved in Rocket League. A cinematic Rocket League documentary for the purpose of appreciating the complexity of this beautiful game that is Rocket League. So many hours go into the making of these documentary videos and this one in particular I put even more effort into than normal. Enjoy! My Links ‣ Discord: ‣ Twitter: ‣ Twitch: ‣ Instagram: ‣ TikTok: @waytonpilkin The flip reset is known by many professional players to be the hardest base mechanic in Rocket League. It took more than 2 years from when it was officially possible in the game for it to be pulled off in the pro scene for the first time. As soon as it reached that level, it quickly worked its way to becoming an essential mechanic in the RLCS. Scoring a flip reset in the RLCS is one of the most
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