DNS of the turbulent flow around a square cylinder at Re=22000

A direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the turbulent flow around a square cylinder at Reynolds number 22000 (based on the diameter of the cylinder, D, and the inflow velocity, U). The dimensions of the computational domain are × 54D × piD in the stream-wise, cross-stream and span-wise direction, respectively. The upstream face of the cylinder is located at 10D from the inflow and centered in the cross-stream direction. The origin of coordinates in placed at the center of the cylinder. At the inflow, a constant velocity profile, U, is prescribed and convective boundary condition are used at the outflow. The Neumann boundary condition is adopted at the cross-stream direction. Periodic boundary conditions are imposed in the span-wise direction. Finally, non-slip boundary conditions are imposed at the surface of the cylinder. We have used a 1272 × 1174 × 216 (~323M grid points) staggered mesh to cover the computational domain. The grid is stretched out away from the cylinder surface by means of a piece-wis
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