Cyberpunk 2077 combat with DOOM music fits too well
The only thing they fear is V... with Gorilla Arms & Mantis Blades.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty combat👌
All Gameplay on Very Hard Difficulty Patch 2.1
Mick Gordon - Meathook (DOOM Eternal OST)
Mods Used:
Arasaka Cyberarms
Stealth Finishers (ZKV_Takedowns)
Enable Finisher Ragdolls
Preem Scopes
Preem Optics
Preem Scanner
Blur Begone
Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked Project
#Cyberpunk2077 #PhantomLiberty #DOOM #DOOMEternal #PC #PCGaming #PS5 #Xbox #ActionGames #CDProjektRed #Edgerunners #AdamSmasher #Cinematic #CyberpunkEdgerunners #Cyberpunk