Sadhguru | Developing an Inclusive Consciousness | Talks at Google

Sadhguru who is a world renowned yogi, mystic and visionary humanitarian is addressing the points and concerns around inclusiveness raised by the panel of VPs and Googlers. Sadhguru speaks about how individuals can create a quality of inclusiveness within them. Elaborating on how that can impact our work places, homes and communities, he provides practical thoughts and tools on how to create a more inclusive consciousness which he says is the most important aspect that’s needed in the world today. With many recent tragic events at home and around the world, there is a deep concern and yearning for us to prevent more tragedies and find solutions to problems that appear to be outside what our two hands can do. Sadhguru has established an infrastructure for developing human consciousness and fostering global harmony through individual transformation. He refers to this as “Inner Engineering” and will dive deeper into the mechanics of how one can bring balance to the mind, body, emotions and energy. Milli
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