MASK full opening french - générique

mask opening in french, long version. . (an acronym for Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) is an animated television series produced by DIC Audiovisuel and ICC TV Productions, Ltd. The series was based on the . action figures produced by Kenner Products. It was animated in Japan by studios; KK DiC Asia (later known as KK C&D Asia), Studio Juno, Studio World, and Ashi Productions. . is a special task force led by Matt Trakker, who operate transforming armored vehicles in their ongoing battle against the criminal organization . (an acronym for Vicious Evil Network Of Mayhem) with an emphasis on superpowered masks worn by the characters of both factions. MASK (. / Module d’Action Secrète Kommando en français) est une série télévisée d’animation franco-américaine en 75 épisodes de 22 minutes, produite par DIC et diffusée aux États-Unis entre le 16 septembre 1985 et le 28 novembre 1986 en syndication
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