Halloween 25 Years of Terror

The first quarter century of the Halloween saga, from the 1978 original to 2002’s Halloween: Resurrection, is thoroughly tracked in an 83-minute documentary on the subject. The impetus is a Halloween convention held in South Pasadena (site of the original filming), from which a considerable amount of footage is drawn. Halloween: 25 Years of Terror collects interview footage of many of the original’s creators, including director John Carpenter, co-writer/producer Debra Hill, and star Jamie Lee Curtis. The very good-humored co-star P. J. Soles contributes the narration (and figures in the extra goodies shot at the convention). The film marches through the years, providing some fairly interesting behind-the-scenes material: the alternate versions of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, and the controversy over differing Michael Myers masks in Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later. Appearances John Carpenter Debra Hill Moustapha Akkad Donald Pleasence Jamie Lee Curtis Nancy Kyes P. J. Soles Brian Andrews Danielle Harris Ellie Cornell Kathleen Kinmont Marianne Hagan Tom Atkins Wendy Kaplan J.C. Brandy Rob Zombie
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