1 Hour Prehistoric Ancestral Meditation | by Paleowolf
Prehistoric Ancestral Meditation dark ambient music mix by Paleowolf. Another meditative journey deep down the genetic memory and ancient past of Humanity. Step into the sonic time machine and take a voyage into the dark and mysterious Prehistoric times, when our distant ancestors dawned on the planet and lived in Nature; right beside the mighty beasts of Old, exploring the unknown and threading boldly into the shadows of the World.
This is a specially crafted seamless mix for meditative purposes and mental journeys through the halls of time and space. The mix is made out of different parts of various tracks released on following albums:
- Primordial
- Prehistoric Meditations
- Megafauna Rituals
- Primal Earth
- Archetypal
All Paleowolf albums available at:
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1 Hour Stone Age Prehistoric Meditation ambient:
1 Hour Ice Ages ambient:
1 Hour Paleozoic & Mesozoic ambient:
1 Hour Ancestral Shamanic Tribal ambient: