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The last video was certainly unusual for my channel and also a bit disturbing. There was a lot of talk about it on the web, and many people expressed their concerns. I did keep radio silence to not destroy the experiment, but I did answer each and every personal mail people sent me. See the base text of my standard answer below.
Here is a little FAQ.
Q: Why did you make this video?
A: To show that we can make believable slingshot head shot scenes for not a lot of money. We will start the fund raising campaign soon, asking for a lot of money - but in fact it is very little, in comparison with Hollywood budgets.
Q: So when will this movie come out?
A: If we can find the money, we will do the filming in May 2014 and have the movie finished in the fall of that year.
Q: When will the Kickstarter begin?
A: We will start it on “Indiegogo“ as soon as the teaser/trailer is finished. We hope to release it very soon, maybe in a week or two.
Q: Who financed the teaser?
A: You guys did! I took a huge part of the money I made from my YouTube partnership and invested it into it.
Q: We were concerned! Why did you not publish the fact that it was a fake?
A: Come on, that would have spoiled everything. I did answer each and every mail concerned people send (text below), but I had to keep my mouth shut in public. Tough 48 hours.
Q: Lots of people figured out that this was a prank.
A: Sure, partly because we left in some hints to fuel the discussion! It wasn’t that hard to figure it out, really. But ask yourself if you would have seen it without re-watching. See? Totally believable in a Zombie movie.
Q: Are ricochets really dangerous?
A: They can be, if you shoot steel balls against a very hard surface (eg a stone wall). Also you should always shoot at an angle towards your backstop, never straight. If you keep these rules, then you are safe.
Jörg Sprave, 29th of September, 2013
Standard PM reply text:
Don’t worry, I am fine. The video was a fake of course. A rather good one, I think!
We wanted to generate discussions about the video. It worked, the comment rate is amazing.
To give people material for speculations, we explicitly left in enough hints.
- The blood stained shirt I wore
- “This is a safe slingshot“
- Detectible cut during the camera drop
- Tanja had blood on her fingers even before she touched me
- Blood on the bandage did not match the wound position
This was mainly done as a PR piece for the planned “Zombie Wars“ movie. The boss of the make up artist team came over for it. We used just one camera, a hobby grade editing software, and the (free) MS Paint for the FX. I just want to show the audience that real looking Zombie action can be made with a very reasonable budget.
A “The Slingshot Channel“ production!
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