New York, United States of America (USA).
LS. Britain’s Foreign Secretary Mr Ernest Bevin walking to rostrum to address United Nations meeting. Various shots of Mr Bevin speaking - natural sound: “Now sir, I’d like at this stage to have the opportunity of dealing with some of the reflections which Mr Vyshinsky made upon my Government, and other Governments in relation to the parts we have played in their foreign policy and in the promotion and conclusion of the Brussels Treaty and the signature and organisation of the Atlantic Pact. The Atlantic Pact is one of the great events of history. The threatening language used by Mr Vyshinsky in his speech of last Friday is the same that has been fed to us year after year. It is a constant repetition of untruths in the hope that if you keep repeating them often enough someone will believe them. I made it quite clear in my contribution to the debate in the assembly last year that if it was found we could not proceed on a universal basis, as we had hoped, we must try
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