NAHIDA!! ALHAITHAM and KAVEH Are GAY!! | Genshin Impact Animation
Ughhh what should I say 😅, well when I saw this scene I clearly wanted to wanted to make it for alhaitham x kaveh XD.
Though it’s just a clear misunderstanding wanderer maybe next time knock the door first 🙃
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Credits -
Model by miHoYo/Hoyoverse
Anime - Konbini Kareshi
Animated by me (Inspired by Monica x Isabel)
MME\Shader : Manashiku
Software Used - MMD, Premiere Pro, MME
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Step Into a Vast Magical World of Adventure. Experience an immersive single-player campaign. As a traveler from another world, you will embark on a journey to reunite with your long-lost sibling and unravel the mysteries of Teyvat, and yourself.
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NAHIDA, ALHAITHAM KAVEH Are GAY!! | Genshin Impact Animation
Nahida, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Alhaitham Kaveh Best Friends, Alhaitham Kaveh Moments, Alhaitham Genshin, Kaveh Genshin, Kaveh Alhaitham Moments Genshin, Kavetham, Alhaitham Kaveh Gay, Hat Guy, Hat Guy genshin, Hat Guy sumeru, Hat guy scaramouche, Hat guy wanderer, Sumeru Akadamia Festival Genshin, Sumeru Akadamia Festival Event,Alhaitham x Kaveh Moments, Alhaitham Kaveh Fights, Alhaitham Kaveh Roasts, Alhaitham Kaveh Moments From Sumeru Festival, Alhaitham x Kaveh, Alhaitham Kaveh Roommate, Genshin animation ,genshin anime, MMD animation, MMD Genshin Animation, Genshin MMD, animation, anime, MMD, ShrewdKira Sumeru Akadamia Festival Genshin,HaiKaveh, Sumeru Akadamia Festival Event, A Parade Of Providence, A Parade Of Providence Genshin Event