Flexbox Crash Course 2022

Flexbox is used for space distribution, positioning and alignment in CSS. 💻 Project Code: 👇 Website & Courses: 💖 Show Support Patreon: PayPal: 👇 Follow Me On Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: Linkedin: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro & Slides 5:05 - Setup HTML & Base CSS 7:50 - Create a Flexbox Container 8:20 - Float Example 9:49 - Justify Content 11:05 - Align Items 11:39 - Align Self 12:50 - Flex Direction & Column 15:15 - Centering Elements 16:32 - Flex Wrap 17:39 - Order 18:37 - Flex Basis 19:30 - Flex Grow 22:13 - Flex Shrink 23:58 ... #TraversyMedia #flexbox #flex #css_flexbox #css 20220118 3YW65K6LcIA
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