The Tragic Story of Jimmy Nicol - The Real 5th Beatle

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code parlogram Sixty years ago, in June 1964 on the eve of The Beatles’ first world tour, Ringo Starr fell ill. Instead of cancelling the tour, small time drummer Jimmy Nichol was drafted in to take his place. For 10 days in Denamrk, Holland, Hong Kong and Australia Nicol got to experience what it was really like to be a Beatle, but the experience ruined his life. In this video we tell you how his story unfolded and why he disappeared. Buy Jim Berkenstadt’s book ’The Beatles Who Vanished’ here: =tmm_hrd_swatch_0 If yo...u enjoy what we’re doing, please consider supporting the channel in any of the following ways: 1. Channel Membership gives you early, ad-free access to our latest videos and exclusive members only videos: 2. Join us on Patreon for updates, exclusive content and behind the scenes stories: 3. Click on the ’Thanks’ icon below the video to donating an amount of your choice. 4. Browse our new merch in our Spring store: Check out some great sounding Beatles and 60s vinyl on our website: If you would like to get in touch with us, you can do so in the following ways: Email: andrew@ Facebook: X: Instagram: or via our website: Thank you!
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