Simon’s Quest ※ Cracking Videogame Passwords S1e6 (Castlevania II)

In the advent of 1990 I played NES games a lot. Knowing nothing about programming but being geekish by nature, I obsessed over cracking the password systems in those games. In this series we will study some of these systems. Twitter: Liberapay: (alternatives at ) Twitch: Homepage: You can contribute subtitles: Downloads: Additional VFX from CMStudios () Additional music contributed by Matti Jokihaara Game footage is from the Castlevania Ⅱ English Retranslation and Improvement Hack by Joel Yliluoma — Sorry about the nasal voice I was having in this video. My nose has been very congested lately. It poses some difficulty when recording. This is especially noticeable in the last 10 seconds or so. Addendum: I did not
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