Nine Inch Nails - Woodstock ’94 (Full Concert Remastered)(Original Upload)

to see me being an idiot live Nine Inch Nails - Woodstock ’94 - Remastered Audio/Video Download links: Video ( MP4): Audio (103mb MP3): Audio (543mb FLAC): Details: Restored audio and video from an independent VHS capture. This is the highest quality version of this performance that exists. Captured at 720x480. The audio has been corrected and remastered (frequencies below 60hz was restored, and the phasing/panning issues in the low end have been fixed, along with a normal concert mastering). There are no edits in the performance, this is the entire full concert. This is NOT from any of the CDs or tapes that have been floating around for years. Enjoy! Note: I don’t own any copyright or anything to any of the material here. Pinion -- 0:00 Terrible Lie -- 3:55 Sin -- 9:14 March Of The Pigs -- 13:27 Something I Can Never Have -- 17:21 Clos
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