1,500hp Audi R8 Races a 240hp Harley Drag Bike… With Nitrous! // This vs. That

Thanks to NOS Energy Drink for making this show happen. Check ’em out! Web: IG: V10 R8s and Lambos are the new kings of the streets… we’re talking 1,500hp twin turbo kitted, irresponsibly quick supercars. And Sheepey Race builds some crazy fast R8s. So what’s the most polar opposite vehicles that we can line up against it? A Harley race bike, duh. Ridden by none other than our pal Fast Eddie Reed. Thanks to EDDIE REED / HARLEY DRAG BIKE IG: FB: TikTok: @fastwaxx700?lang=en Thanks to WILL COLEY / AUDI R8 IG: YT: We’ve got channels for all your car content needs. Subscribe, nerds. The Hoonigans: Project Cars:
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