Valheim: Working Sundial Build

00:00 Intro 10:23 Showcase How to build a working Sundial! This will actually tell you the time. Make sure your center piece if facing North/South! You can add little signs 1-12 etc to better tell you what time it is. “Wanna buy a Sundial?“ ~Thanks for watching! Many more Valheim builds are coming soon.~ Stay tuned and eat your rice. MUSIC: Lofi Geek - Japanese Lofi (They are absolutely amazing, please check them out.) /~~~~~\ VALHEIM! It’s currently in Early access! Check it out on Steam. It is amazing and definitely worth your time. I love the building system in it and my hard drive is currently suffocating with the amount of build videos I need to upload. I’m currently working on a giant castle overlooking the marina. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I build stuff. I enjoy 100%-ing stuff! (Unless my brain rules it forfeit) Socials: Portfolio: https://rikku1666wdudv
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