COVID-19 :The Latest | In Conversation with Nene and Dixit

Answering key questions on COVID: in conversation with Dr. Nene and Madhuri Dixit. Recommended Links DISCLAIMER- This video was created to raise awareness and improve access to evidence-based, world-class healthcare knowledge. We have taken every opportunity to provide the scientific links for further exploration, above. Every individual should consult with their own healthcare professional before embarking on a healthcare journey. The information provided is no substitute for a thorough evaluation, exam and advice from your GP. Follow me on:- Facebook:- ​ Twitter:- ​ Instagram :- #Covid19 #Covid-19 #Coronavirus #StayHomeStaySafe #StayHomeSaveLives #QuarantineandChill #QuarantineLife #LockdownNow #Covidiots #MyPandemicSurvivalPlan #FlattenTheCurve #Soci
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