「H♪S x ♠OS♠」 Still Here MEP ♥ ♬

I am so happy to finally present our studio collab with OtherlandStudios! This collab has been something me and OS’s leader (and lovely HBS member) Rissi have talked about for years and now we did it! It’s real and it is sooo beautiful ahhhhh!!! Since OS is a studio that focuses on MMV/scenery styled editing, that was ofc the style we went with - last time we at HBS did a full on MMV MEP was with our Dynasty MEP a few years back, so it was a nice change of pace I’d say~ The theme of this MEP was coping with the loss of a loved ones and being haunted by their ghost/memory. Every part captures the theme perfectly! Please be proud of your work cuz you all did amazing! Thank you to everyone, who joined the MEP. It was such an honor working with the talented members of OS and bringing this masterpiece to life together with them! Special thank you to Soshi and Rissi for helping with replacements ♥ Please check out OtherlandStudi
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