Théotime Langlois de Swarte violin; Justin Taylor harpsichord - Live from Wigmore Hall

These concerts are free to view but your donations are essential. We are relying on the generosity of our audience to make these concerts possible. Together we can continue to provide work for musicians and present live music from Wigmore Hall. If you are watching, please visit our website and make a contribution. Thank you. Paypal: Donate via American Friends of Wigmore Hall: If you would like to make a bank transfer, please use the following information: The Wigmore Hall Trust Account number: 10201186 Sort code: 16-00-30 IBAN: GB33 RBOS 16003010 2011 86 SWIFT/BIC: RBOS GB 2L Referen...ce: GIFT A previous disc of French music by the partnership evoked the following response from Gramophone: ‘Musically, they are brothers: there is such affinity in the way they explore harmony and touch, line and colour – together they conjure the sense that they are trying to spell out a language that only has beautiful words in it.’ Théotime Langlois de Swarte VIOLIN Justin Taylor HARPSICHORD PROGRAMME FRANÇOIS FRANCOEUR 1698-1787 Violin Sonata No. 6 in G minor (Book II): – Adagio – Courante – Rondeau FRANÇOIS COUPERIN 1668-1733 Les Baricades mistérieuses FRANÇOIS FRANCOEUR 1698-1787 Les Augustales: – Le théâtre s’obscurcit, on entend le tonnerre – Le théâtre s’éclaire LOUIS FRANCOEUR Violin Sonata in B minor Op. 1 No. 6: – Largo FRANÇOIS FRANCOEUR 1698-1787 Scanderberg: – Premiers et Seconds Airs Le trophée: – Gavotte pour les muses et les plaisirs Tarsis et Zélie: – Deuxième air Violin Sonata No. 10 in G (Book I): – Adagio – Presto HENRY ECCLES 1670-1742 Violin Sonata in G minor: – Adagio – Courante HENRY PURCELL 1659-1695 Incidental music for Oedipus, King of Thebes Z583: – Music for a while HENRY ECCLES 1670-1742 Violin Sonata in G minor: – Vivace ALESSANDRO MARCELLO 1673-1747 Oboe Concerto in D minor SZ799: – Largo ARCANGELO CORELLI 1653-1713 Violin Sonata in D minor Op. 5 No. 12 ’La Follia’
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