CGI 3D Animated Short Film: "The Origin" by Itsalive Studio | CGMeetup
“Watch ’Istok: Koschei (The Origin: The Immortal),’ a mesmerizing CGI 3D animated short film created by ITSALIVE STUDIO. Join Kostya, a young wizard, as he uses magic to heal the forest and cares for his fire-spitting snake destined for greatness. However, the villagers, led by headman Ivan, disapprove of Kostya’s magic, leading to a conflict that may plunge Kostya into darkness. Explore the unveiling of classic fairy tale heroes’ origin in the world of Slavic mythology.
Featured on CGMeetup:
👥 Team:
CEO: Vadim Belov
Project Head: Nikita Topalov
Director & Screenwriter: George Stepanyan
Character Artist: Ekaterina Okrugina
Cinematic & Environment Artists: Phillip Balayan, Alexey Kasyanov
Producer: Yulia Bashkova
MoCap Engineers: Ekaterina Kislitskaya, Sofia Sivets
Simulation & Rigging: Andrey Knyazev, Ravshan Gazziev
Composer & SFX: Maxim Polyansky
Cloth Designers: Alyona Melnikova, Ivan Gonc
1 view
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