Cody Jinks | “The Working Man“ | Video

“Working Man“ from the album “Change the Game.“ Listen to the album here: Written By: Meredith Cody Jinks (BMI, Late August Publishing) Bryan Martin Curtis (AVERAGE ZJS MUSIC PUBLISHING) About the video: There are thousands of moving parts and hundreds of people involved when it comes to putting on a show. There are trucks and busses to drive and unload. Stages to build. Lighting and audio rigs to safely hang in the air. Local crews to manage and coordinate. Merch to count and set up. Stages to wire. Instruments to maintain. Soundchecks. And many, many more tasks that keep the show running smoothly. Everyone plays a role in bringing you the best possible show. The work often starts before the sun comes up and goes well past midnight–and that’s not even considering the countless hours of prep work before getting to the venue on the day of the show. Here’s to the Jinks crew, which are some of the hardest w
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