FUCK BEES (Remastered)

With missing verse and no song interruptions. :D SoundCloud (to download MP3): Full lyrics: I used to be a renegade, I used to FUCK around But I couldn’t take the punishment, and had to settle down Now I’m playing it real straight, and yes I FUCK my BEES You might think I’m crazy, but I don’t even care Because I can tell what’s going on It’s hip to FUCK BEES It’s hip to FUCK BEES I FUCK my BEES in FUCK suits, I FUCK them on TV I’m FUCKing BEES ’most everyday and FUCKing what I FUCKED They tell me that it’s good to FUCK, but I FUCK BEES I know that it’s crazy I know that it’s nowhere But there is no denying that It’s hip to FUCK BEES It’s hip to FUCK BEES It’s hip to FUCK BEES So hip to FUCK BEES FUCK BEES (slowed down, x11) It’s not too hard to FUCK BEES, you FUCK it everyday And those that were the farthest out have FUCKED BEES You see BEES on the freeway, It don’t look like a lot of FUCK But don’t you try to FUCK ME; “A BEE who’s time has com
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