[ DPA Open Mic 40 ] French’s Niger Problem; Russia-African Summit; Which Democracy is the best?
- Shadowi (France)
- Nunya Bizness (Canada)
- Red (Bangladesh)
- Dan Castle (Mexico / USA / Russia)
- Terhemen Ngaji Jesse (Nigeria)
- Waqar Kauravi (Pakistan)
- Leo (Russia)
- Vaun Festus (USA)
- Prata do Povo (Portugal)
- Coping (Norway)
- Dru (Singapore)
- Voz do Povo (Angola / UK)
- R L (Belgium / France)
- Immanuel / Emmy4om (Nigeria)
- Atreyo Rolador (Taiwan)
- Chiellini (Zambia)
- Upgrade (Switzerland)
- Andrew (Italy)
- CFL (Bangladesh / USA)
- Toby Stewart (Australia
00:00:00 Pre-show
00:06:14 Intro
00:09:02 Coup in Niger
00:17:46 Stability through Military Dictatorship: Preparing for Democracy
00:19:59 French Uranium Mine and Stability in Niger: Uncertain Future Amid Coup Concerns
00:28:47 An African Coalition backed by Russia
00:37:41 Russia and China’s interests in Africa
00:40:03 China and Russia: Will They Help the West?
00:46:53 Balancing Socialism and Capitalism
00:54:29 European Socialism and Privatization: Impact on Public Services
00:55:59 Balancing Socialism and Capitalism: Lessons from Singapore
01:01:50 Socialist Tones in Pakistan and Bangladesh
01:06:07 Bangladesh: A Mixed Economy with Socialistic Traits
01:10:51 We’re tired of the west : Nigeria’s Shift to China and Russia
01:15:50 Nigeria’s Debt and Chinese Investments
01:20:32 Nigeria’s Leadership Comparison: Buhari vs. Tinubu
01:28:24 Perception of Corruption and Inefficiency in Leadership
01:33:10 Growing Discontent with the West in African Countries
01:43:34 Africa’s Struggle Against Colonial Legacy and Western Debt Traps
01:52:41 “Sanctions are useless“
01:58:08 African Quest for Self-Determination and Economic Development
02:06:10 Singapore’s Self-Driven Development and China’s Role in Africa
02:12:23 China’s Impact on Africa & Potential Conflicts
02:19:42 Potential Scenarios for US Unity or Division in Crisis or Conflict
02:25:08 Kazakhstan vs Russia
02:34:34 Emmanuel intro
02:35:44 Complexities of Kazakhstan-Russia Relations Amid Western Interference
02:40:30 Contrasting Nationalist Movements: Ukraine vs. Central Asia
02:44:35 Kazakhstan’s Complex Identity and Relations with Russia and China
02:49:23 Borat: Misunderstanding Kazakhstan and its Culture
02:50:57 Kazakhstan Coup Attempt
02:55:00 Turkey’s interest in Central Asia
03:00:33 Pakistan-Africa Projects
03:07:41 What does the China-Pakistan Corridor mean for Pakistan?
03:15:58 The link between Turkey and Pakistan
03:20:13 NATO’s Narrative on Russia in Ukraine
03:23:42 The West’s Credibility Crisis and the Collapse of the Global Rules-Based Order
03:34:52 “How bad is France for Africans?“?
03:39:35 “Let’s Talk About America...“
03:40:23 Toby on Democracy and Capitalism
03:46:09 Is Direct Democracy better than Western Democracy?
03:47:49 Embracing Direct Democracy: Lessons from Switzerland
03:50:34 Comparing China and India: Different Systems, Different Outcomes
03:58:27 Culture of democracy
04:07:02 So direct democracy is dangerous for countries like India?
04:08:36 Alexander Dugan’s 4 Political Theories
04:17:21 Democracy is failing in the west
04:19:36 Can the State Survive the Communication Revolution?
04:21:30 None of us have democracy
04:24:53 Italy is a VASSAL of the US
04:26:22 DPA is the most democratic forum internationally
04:29:02 Speaking Up for Democracy: The Power of Open Mic Discussions
04:33:09 Global Perspectives: Learning from Open Mic Discussions
04:35:47 Insights and Calls for Peace: Open Mic Wrap-Up
04:41:35 Harmonious Diversity: Open Mic Reflections
04:43:04 Harmony Amidst Dissonance: Open Mic Insights
04:45:03 A Journey Through Topics
04:47:35 Conclusions
04:56:44 The End
Anyone can come on to the DPA Open Mic to share their views, opinions and discuss the latest hottest topics in global affairs, geopolitics, news, local politics, military affairs or war.
This DPA Open Mic will be broadcasted LIVE ONLY on DPA main channel on Youtube, DPA Open Mic channel on Youtube & Rumble and on DPA’s Twitter for this week. Invite Link will be in DPA Open Mic’s channel LIVE chat pinned message.
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