60 de minute cu Ştrumfi • Compilaţia 11 • Ştrumfii

00:00 - 12:33 - Jucăria fermecată a lui Bebe Ştrumf It’s been a few hundred years since Grandpa Smurf has seen this old was given to Papa Smurf long, long ago and Papa Smurf does not remember what it does. But Baby Smurf does know that it brings surprises for everyone! 12:34 - 24:17 - Steaua norocoasă a Ştrumfiţei Smurfette has chosen her lucky wishing star and it will remain hers forever … as long as she wishes for unselfish things. But Smurfette, with her badly chosen wishes, makes her star fall from the sky and Gargamel wants it... 24:18 - 36:04 - Ştrumfiţa şi Ştrumful sălbatic With Chitter his favourite squirrel mysteriously gone away, Wild Smurf feels very lonely. He haunts the Village despondently, and his eyes light up only when Smurfette is about. The other Smurfs notice a sudden interest from Smurfette too...
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