Let’s Play Final Fantasy VIII #091 - Junk On Your Trunk
In this episode, we begin our journey to Esthar, but it appears to have completely vanished off the face of the earth.
Recommended Setup
Irvine: Ifrit, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Tonberry, ST-Atk-J Silence, ST-Def-J Pain/Confuse, Elem-Atk-J Firaga, Elem-Def-J Life/Shell, HP-J Meteor, Str-J Triple, Vit-J Meltdown, Mag-J Flare, Spr-J Reflect, Spd-J Haste, LV Up, LV Down, Recover, Str 40%, Str 60%, Auto-Haste
Squall: Shiva, Diablos, Pandemona, Alexander, ST-Def-J Pain/Confuse, Elem-Atk-J Firaga, Elem-Def-J Life/Shell, HP-J Meteor, Str-J Triple, Vit-J Meltdown, Mag-J Flare, Spr-J Reflect, Spd-J Haste, Str 60%, Mug, Auto-Haste
Quistis: Quezacotl, Brothers, Siren, Cerberus, ST-Atk-J Silence, ST-Def-J Pain/Confuse, Elem-Atk-J Firaga, Elem-Def-J Life/Shell, HP-J Meteor, Str-J Triple, Vit-J Meltdown, Mag-J Flare, Spr-J Reflect, Treatment, HP 40%, Str 60%, Auto-Haste
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