Pixel Art Shader In Unity | Intermediate Tutorial

Check out my Basic Tutorial here for more info on the first steps: GitHub Repository: My page: Steps: 1. Create a second Camera which only renders the Layer which all pixelated objects are on. 2. Set its output to a low-resolution Render Texture. 3. Use a Raw-Image UI element (In Screen Space - Camera mode) to display the RT on the screen. 4. Duplicate the second Camera to create a third. 5. Set its output to another RT but this one has the Color Format “DEPTH_AUTO“. 6. Create a Shader akin to my one (don’t forget to take raw depth). 7. Assign a material using that shader to the Raw-Image element. 8. If anything goes wrong make sure that your camera dimensions are all the same and your camera is producing a depth texture (this can be enabled manually). Movement scripts and animation from the Jammo and Kevin Iglesias’ Basic Move
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