Pelageya. Blooming Blackthorn. Цвiте терен

Pelageya and Veronica Siyromlya. Blooming Blackthorn. Voice of Russia competition. Moscow 2019. Пелагея и Вероника Сыромля. Цвiте терен. Blackthorn is blooming, blackthorn is in blooming But the blossom falls down Who doesn’t know love That also doesn’t know sorrow But I’m a young girl And I know sorrow I don’t eat enough in the evenings I don’t sleep enough at nights Oh, I’ll take the chair And sit down near the window My eyes weren’t even dozing And the sun is rising You won’t fall asleep The beloved one gone somewhere In search of other girl My eyes, my eyes What have you done? People avoid him But you fall in love
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