Learn about the GBU-31 JDAM used in Yemen that was used in Gaza in the last Israeli war 2021

Find out in the next video know about the GBU-39 – GBU-31 Bombs which known as JDAM that destroyed the Towers in Gaza last May and were used in YEMEN striking Sanaban Wedding in Dhamar Gov. and in mustaba Markt in Haja, Hudaida, and in the equestrian club In Sana’a (The Capital City) which killed around 30 horses and cried millions of Yemeni people Health and Environmental impacts of the GBU-31/GBU39 Bombs which used in Yemen According to the reports and investigations made by the organizations and research centers such as Report of the United Nations expert: Jean François Fechino Report of the American Bar Corporation delegation in February 2009. 3 The report of New Weapon Committee, confirmed the results of the studies on the concentration of minerals in the soil, which were conducted by an independent group of Italian scientists and doctors (NWRC). Report of the New Weapons Committee on the poisoning of Gaza Strip soil. Where its last use was recorded at the bombing of The Yemeni International Company
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