ASMR Sugar Girl’s Meal 🍭🍬🍪

This is sweets eating sounds ASMR with candies, jellies, cookies, chocolates, popping candy, marshmallows, cotton candy, gum! You can listen different cracking, chewing, rolling sounds. Haha, my tongue was paralyzed because of so many sweets. XD I hope you enjoy it! 🍅 PATREON (donation) : 🍅 Twitch (streaming): 안녕하세요! 오늘은 여러가지 달달한 음식들을 먹는 이팅사운드를 가져왔어요 :) 사탕, 껌, 초콜릿, 젤리, 마시멜로우, 팝핑캔디, 솜사탕 등 다양한 달콤한 음식들의 식감과 질감을 느껴&#
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