Unfolding The Ultimate COVID Test - AG InstaLume - The High Throughput Rapid RT-LAMP Test Kit...

ICMR APPROVED AG INSTALUME - THE RAPID MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTIC TEST KIT FOR COVID-19... AG InstaLume is the best option for Airports, religious places, conventions, social gatherings, hospitals for patients, by-standers & all public functions where one compact machine can give 16 test results in 35 minutes. #rapid , #molecular , #omicron , #covid19 , #agappequality , #agappecare , #agappeinnovation , #covidtest , #covidtesting , #covid19test , #testcovid , #testescovid , #covidrapidtest , #rtpcr , #rtpcrtest , #rtpcrtestfortravel , #icmr , #alphaomicronpi , #omicronvariant , #omicronvirus , #alphaomicron , #omicrongamma , #omicronxiomega , #omicronvarient , #rtlamp
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