【New Song Trailer】 . “Dream Chasing Legend“ (8848 Ending Theme) MIC男团新歌试听-“逐梦传奇”(8848片尾曲)

8848电视原声 《逐梦传奇》 This is only as trial version, the copyright belongs to Taihe Rye Music, please support and their genuine music by downloading legally from the following platforms. 1. free web download: #/song/1002235467/P7Z1Y1L1N1/1/001002C 2. free software download: Migu(咪咕) and Kugou(酷狗)app provide legal downloading for free! Simply just download the software on your PC or mobile devices, sign up, search the song title or singer’s name in Chinese, and then you have your s
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