‘I’m Talking To YOU Like An Alpha, Whatcha Gonna Do?!’ Anti-Mask Vlogger HUMILIATED By . Kid
A deranged anti-masker harasses a teenage DARE canvasser and is promptly put in his place. The man whose name is Ethan Schmidt targeted the teen because the teen was wearing a mask. He proceeds to accuse the teen of being anti-American for wearing a mask as well as call himself an ’Alpha’ male, as these types usually do. The teenager keeps his cool, verbally rebutting and flipping the insults back onto Schmidt, who retreats in humiliation.
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Sam Seder: let’s look at an anti-mask anti-vax activist named Ethan Schmidt who is so proud of himself harassing a teenage DARE canvasser and watch this exchange, this is awesome I love seeing high school kids just tool on these morons. How old is Ethan Schmidt, do we know?
Matt Lech: well Ethan Schmidt is the anti-massacre I’m not sure exactly how old he is yeah it looks like mid-20s.
Emma Vigeland: He’s got a bit of Charlie Kirk
SS: Okay yeah here he is he’s Charlie Kirk going off and the dare is that like what is it don’t
EV: It’s like the cheesy don’t do drugs thing but good the kid’s hearts in the right place and he’s also about to
ML: He’s cool as hell
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