Cyberpunk 2077 - Never Fade Away - Samurai

#cyberpunk2077 #samurai #neverfadeaway Guitar: LTD M-300FM Strings: 8-46 Mateusz Wencek Special by Marcin Grochala - Struny C-Dur Pick: Dunlop Prime Grip Delrin 500 mm Interface: Zoom G3X I bought Cyberpunk year ago. I started the game twice and i couldn’t play more -no clue why. Weeks ago we met with my friend at his house. He said “(...)sorry, but i have to play this“. For me it was okay, this song is pretty fine... but nothing more. After that he started playing the game(on PS4-true fan). Weeks later, we are here. On Friday i was listening to Never Fade Away all day long, permanently on Saturday i finished main story and side quests (~40 hours of gameplay). Today i finished recording my first ever full cover in my life. It’s been years since i had this much fun playing, recording and learning mostly by ear on guitar(shout-out to Fadi Zanbouah - his cover helped me with one part of the song. Your solos are amazing bro btw! ). It’s be
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