How To Photograph an Armadillo | Photo Ark | National Geographic Wild UK

National Geographic Photographer Joel Sartore is on a quest to showcase creatures of the Amazon rainforest, such as the giant armadillo. This nocturnal animal, just like any, comes with many difficulties when it comes to capturing the perfect photo. However, Joel has mastered the art of a Photo Ark shoot; a strong back, elbow pads and lots of patience to get a shot of this magnificent animal. Photo Ark on National Geographic Wild UK 📺 Available to watch in the UK on Sky (165), Virgin Media (264), BT (318), TalkTalk (318) & TV Player Get more from National Geographic UK: Subscribe ➡️ W...ebsite ➡️ Facebook ➡️ Twitter ➡️ Instagram ➡️ About Nat Geo UK: Igniting the explorer in all of us. National Geographic gets you closer to the stori
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