Lessons of combat Sambo. D. Rudman. 1000 ways of painful hold. kfvideo,com

David Rudman famous and legendary figure of the Soviet and Russian Sambo. He is a former international sportsman and now a coach with a huge sports and coaching experience. Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR. Author of a number of books on sambo. The founder of the school “Sambo 70“. The president of the Sambo International Federation (FIAS). Holds the title of academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law-and order of the Russian Federation. In 2009, on the FIAS Congress elected Honorary President and First Vice-President of FIAS, awarded the title of Master of Martial Arts in 8, 2012 DL Rudman conducted a seminar on “Principles of painful holds.“ No wonder the film has a subtitle “Sambo lessons - the theory and practice of painful hold.“ By viewing this film, you get a complete idea of how to do painful hold, the principles on which it is based, how to teach children the painful hold and what to explain during its demonstration. David Lvovich gave a detailed explanation of each option. The film is a mini tutorial on the basics of painful hold. This is the beginning, which is necessary in training. Based on of this film you can conduct educational training sessions or write a lesson plans. Also in the film are video examples of the rules related to Sambo painful holds. Part 1 – Principles of the painful arm lock. Part 2 - Principles of the painful leg lock. You can buy this movie on 14$.
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