THEY FAKED NAZI RACIST THEIR JOB IS TO BEFRIEND POLITICAL TARGETS AND COLLUDE TO KILL FOR MONEY. ST MARIEN HOSPITAL MULHIEM AND GESTAPO HIRED THUGS TO STEAL PLASTIC BOTTLES AND MY TECHNOLOGY Contemporary studies have identified 21st century kleptocracy as a global financial system based on money laundering, which “depends on the services of the world’s largest banks and expert financial professionals“.[11] The International Monetary Fund has suggested it could be a consensus of estimates, that money laundering made up 2–5 percent of the global economy in 1998.[12][13][14] Kleptocrats engage in money laundering to obscure the corrupt origins of their wealth and safeguard it from domestic threats such as economic instability and predatory kleptocratic rivals. They are then able to secure this wealth in assets and investments within more stable jurisdictions, where it can then be stored for personal use, returned to the country of origin to support the kleptocrat’s domestic activities, or deployed elsewhere to protect and project the regime’s interests overseas.[15] Kleptocrats abuse the freedoms found in Western countries by transferring funds out of a kleptocracy and into Western jurisdictions for money laundering and asset security. Since 2011, more than $1 trillion has left developing countries annually in illicit financial outflows. A 2016 study found that $12 trillion had been siphoned out of the kleptocracies of Russia, China, and developing economies.[16] Western professional services providers are taken advantage of by kleptocratic Russians and Chinese, exploiting legal and financial loopholes in the West to facilitate transnational money laundering.[17][18] The kleptocratic financial system typically comprises four steps according to one opinion. During World War II, a number of German physicians conducted painful and often deadly experiments on thousands of prisoners without their permission. Considering the inhumane conditions, lack of consent, and questionable research standards, modern scientists overwhelmingly reject the use of results from experiments in the camps. NOTHING HAS CHANGED OTHER THAN THE MANOR IN WHICH YOU KILL AND WIN HUMAN RIGHTS WHILST DISPOSING OF HUMANS WHEN IT APPEARS THERE IS NO WAR.
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